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The CSRLab was established at Teplitsa. Technologies for Social Good in 2021 to research civil society online communication practices. The main focus is on the Russian-registered NGOs.

What do we do? Research non-reactive data concerning NGOs with data science methods


The CSRLab is a data-driven research project for the Russian civil society online communication practices.

Mission: evaluating of communicative capacity of the Russian-language third sector and establishing best communicative practices. The communicative capacity indicates the organization’s ability to undertake work aimed at conveying the most important information to beneficiaries, donors, and society at large (especially if the organization engages in advocacy work).

The CSRLab focuses on the online communications of the third-sector via their websites and social media. We investigate both officially established organizations (registered by Russian authorities as a non-commercial organization) and non-registered communities of activists and their organistaions. Examples of the later communities is anti-war and humanitarian movements that multiplied across Russia and abroad after Russia invaded Ukraine in Februrary 2022.

Our data

Over 9k NGOs in our dataset!

Read about the structure of our dataset and our database: dataset with websites and MongoDB database structure.

Non-reactive data is collected by means of web scrapping and through APIs. The use of non-reactive data is a principle demand for us, an effort to overcome the limitations of previous studies that used biased samples or self-survey data. By collecting and analyzing data in house, we try to avoid subjective assessments made by NGO representatives.

By August 2022 our sample contains 13k+ :fire: organizations and communities (both legally registered in Russia and not-registered legally anywhere).

Methods used


On-going research:

Further research directions:

Check out some of our analytics:

Civil Society Research Lab is the project of “Teplitsa. Technologies for Social Good” established in 2021.

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